Industry Orientation Training Programme
Most of the employers are looking for experienced candidates. We, at Grey Technolabs offer Industry Orientated Training Programs which will give our trainees a real industrial exposure – not just a course. The trainees will be considered similar to our employees and are allotted project participation, assistance and execution. Additionally, they will be given training on various job related aspects to give them an advantage in placement opportunities.
If you are looking for an Industrial Experience, this is the best option for you
How Industry Orintation Training Programme (IOTP) works?
Most of the lessons in IOTP will be conducted as an on the job training. 90% of the training is non classroom based. The trainees will be given chance to work on live projects and may be given site visits, as per availability. Experience certificates will be given to all the trainees who complete the full training schedule. Continual evaluations will be conducted during the training period and a score chart will be issued based on this, which illustrates the trainee’s performance and abilities.
Admission: Admission is based on an entrance test.
Duration: 3 months+ 3 months(Optional)
Stipend: Trainees , who gets more than 70% marks in the continual evaluations conducted during the training period will be selected for apprenticeship with stipend, for an additional 3 months, so that the total span will become 6 months
View the Flyers of IOTP here: Version 1 | Version 2
The Industry Orientation Training Program is available in the following flavors:
Industry Orientation Training Programme in Embedded Systems
Programme Contents: Counselling, Aptitude & Talent Analysis, Circuit designing, Hardware Development, Basics of Computer Networking, Basics of Linux, Tools & Test Instruments, C, Coding Standards, Embedded System Design Life Cycle, Microchip Certified Training in Microcontrollers, Embedded C, MPLABX IDE, ARM Processors, SBCs, PCB Designing, Digital Signal Processing, Simulation & Modeling tools, Testing & Debugging Procedures, Project Planning & Documentation, Collaboration & Work Reporting, Soft Skills – Presentation & Communication Skills, Seminars. The total programme will be in the form of projects and hands-on activities.
Programme Duration: 6 Months | Stipend available
Industry Orientation Training Programme in Software Development
Programme Contents:Counselling, Aptitude & Talent Analysis, Basics of Computer Networking, Basics of Linux, Tools & Test Instruments, Coding Standards, SW Engineering Concepts, Overview of Project life cycle, Object Orientation, Core Java Programming, Databases, SQL, Web Programming, Server-Side Application Development using Java EE, Servlets, JSP, JavaScript, jQuery, Java Server Pages, Programming with Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate Mobile Application Development using Android, DSP Concepts, Image, Sound and Video Processing, Simulation & Modeling tools, Signal Processing with C/Java, Overview of Testing Methodologies, Project Planning & Documentation, Collaboration & Work Reporting, Soft Skills – Presentation & Communication Skills, Seminars, Multiple projects.
Programme Duration: 6 Months | Stipend available
Industry Orientation Training Programme in Security Systems & Networking
Basics of Electrical Systems, Electrical Wiring, Basic Electronics, Computer Hardware, Windows Operations, Linux Operations, Computer & Device Networking, Setting up WiFi Networks ,Configuring ADSL Modems,Setting up a Server, Building Security Systems, Various sensors, Traditional CCTV Systems, New Generation DVRs, CMS Softwares, Access Control Systems, Attendance Marking Systems, Field training.The total programme will be in the form of projects and practical activities
Programme Duration: 3 Months | Stipend available
Part Time Industry Orientation Training Program for B.Tech Students
Grey Technolabs is offering an opportunity for engineering students to experience the taste of industry during the course of their study itself. The above mentioned programs in Industry Oriented Training are available for engineering students on a part-time basis. Students can join us as interns during first or second year of their Engineering course. The students can get training and work with us during weekends and holidays. This will also take care of the students’ mandatory internship requirements as per the curriculum. By the time the students finish their engineering course, they will be experienced enough to take up a responsible position in the industry. They will also be capable to handle their projects themselves without any external support
Programme Duration: 900 Hrs | Stipend available
* The contents may change from time to time based on the latest technology & market trends. Make sure that you collect the latest syllabus before joining.
Students those who attend the Industry Oriented Training Program gain an environment of live projects to enhance their on-job experience and will be a good opportunity in this competitive situation.